Tuesday 13 November 2012

Twinings Tea Brand/Ad Research

Twinings ‘Discover the Art of Tea’ Ads.

‘If you only had one mood, we’d only have one tea’ A simple and effective way of making the audience believe for a second (or more) that Twinings are the only brand of tea that exist. Each one of us is in some kind of mood every single second of the day, and what Twinings are getting at here is that, no matter what time, day, mood, season, they will have a tea that suits us. They will be there through everything basically, in a non-cheesy way (if that’s possible).
Using the product throughout the ad, they create ‘art’ with the tealeaves, this visual language is stimulate and makes the audience engage with what is happening on the screen. It’s visually beautiful, in 11 seconds they’ve made art and told us they’re the brand that’s going to be ‘there for us whatever the mood’. Pretty good going.
They’ve connecting with their audience, appealing to everyone. Twinings costs around £5.50 for a pack of 160 teabags, depending where you shop. Obviously when compared with Tesco/Morrison’s own, there’s going to be a big difference in price. Twinings were recorded in an interview for  their 300 year anniversary saying ‘Tea is consumed by a broad target group and the core user for Twinings is somebody who recognises quality and likes to be that little bit different from the crowd.’ Which sets them apart from brands such as PG Tips, who aims to a bit of a broader audience, keeping with the British-ness and simplistic tea. Twinings want to make their tea that little bit different and exiting, as they showed with their range of infusions (ad shown below) which does appeal to a different kind of people; people with a bit of culture, a bit of a ‘try something new’ attitude. This is also an interesting Q/A from the same interview,

Q: What are your objectives for the anniversary year?
A: To open up the world of premium tea. To encourage consumers to try Twinings if they
are new to the brand, and, for those who already enjoy Twinings, to invite them to try
new blends and flavours from the extensive range. We want consumers to celebrate the
fact that Twinings has been crafting great teas and only teas for so many years and that
this heritage and expertise makes that everyday tea drinking occasion so special.

The reason this is important to me is that with my tea I am trying something completely new, they aren’t just new flavours or new ways of drinking tea, it’s completely mental and quite possibly, impossible. Here is where I can draw inspiration from, Twinings are aiming at a group of people who may well be a similar target audience to me, I think the next advert I am going to look at will show this more.

Twinings ‘Infusions Waterfall’ Ad.

Still sticking with the ‘Discover the Art of Tea’ campaign they have done a very art driven advert. Every single visual in this advert is driven by the concept of art, from the paintbrushes to the incredibly bare ‘studio room’ where the main actor is literally going to make ‘art with tea’. I get the feeling that this advert is trying to say that there are a numerable amount of possibilities with tea, just like there is when it comes to art. Everything seems to seamlessly link together, the flow of the advert is beautiful and it’s really well shot. There are both Diegetic and Non-Diegetic sounds present in the ad, with the diegetic noises of the tap running, rips of the cardboard box, boiling kettles and placing of the cups really bringing a different tone to the advert making it feel incredibly homely and D.I.Y if that makes sense? Every noise you hear is a reminder of the noises of when you make a cup of tea but just shown in a very different visual way, if you closed, your eyes and watched the advert you would automatically link the sequence of noises with making a normal cup of tea. There’s nothing different in that sense, apart from a lovely little earthy tune (making the tea subconsciously seem healthy for you even through the choice in music) in the background to give your ears a little bit more excitement. Open your eyes however, and just ‘making a normal cup of tea’ is transformed into creating art. Choose and a Twinings infusion tea bag and you are creating art. The colours, the movements, the noises, it is transforming something you do every day when making your morning cup of tea into something exciting and new. A little bit of exaggeration goes a long way, it’s not the most crazy concept and it works so well.

Targeting the people who like to try something new, and artists as well in this case. Everyone would love to believe when they were making tea they were making art and this is why the visuals speak so much to the audience, without even taking into account the copy writing. Strong visuals have really aided the ethos and brand value here.

‘Twinings infusions are all sourced from nature from nettle and peppermint to strawberry and mango, they leave you feeling beautifully refreshed, try a cup free at Twinings.co.uk’

The only copy in the advert is full of adjectives that promote health and beauty, showing a diverse range of every flavour that sounds healthy, colourful and beneficial to you in some way. It fits in very well with the visuals in the advert and doesn’t take away from what the advert on a whole is trying to say. Also plugging the website isn’t bad going either.  

‘The main drivers in forecast growth are the increasing number of health conscious
consumers, wider product choice, improved manufacture, distribution and retail networks
and increased advertising expenditure and lifestyle choice.
US medical research has promoted the health-enhancing properties of tea, especially
green tea and infusions. The increasing health awareness of consumers in less
developed markets will continue to boost tea’s profile. ‘ (300th Anniversary Q/A)

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